Volumes have been written recently of the issues plaguing our city. While it’s important to recognize these it is also important to push forward to solutions. Without trying to oversimplify one issue that seems to tie into most of the others is trusting relationships. Segregation, lack of resources, lack of unity, political fighting, city/county division are all results of the lack of trusting relationships. If we can rebuild trust throughout our region we will witness the flourishing of our communities.
Martin Luther King Jr. says, “We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” Let us say it a little differently, “if our region is going to thrive then we have to work together. In order for that to happen trust must be rebuilt and we believe North St. Louis will be at the epicenter of this work.”
Our programs seek to put trusting relationships at the forefront of our strategy. With our 4.1.62. vision we will move forward with three programmatic aspects of our work.
Enter Into 4 neighborhoods.
Build 1 Resource Hub to gather everyone.
Lift 62 individuals through strategic empowerment.
This 3-tiered approach is important for community development because it meets neighbors where they are, brings resources to them, and empowers those individuals through holistic mentoring.